13 Search Engine Optimization Tips To Help Your Ranking
The 13 Search Engine Optimization Tips that are listed below will help you with your website ranking to drive targeted traffic to your business.
Quality net salaries are determined by the amount of visitors you can convert to customers on your website.
The more prominent your site ranks with the search engines, the more visitors you will be able to convert into paying customers.
These 13 Search Engine Optimization tips are the minimum required to achieve targeted visitors to your site.
- Since your SEO ranking is impacted to a great degree by the title of your web pages, be sure to place the main keywords of your online business in the Title META Tag of your page.Use the “|” or “-” characters to separate keyword phrases.
- Instead of targeting single word keywords, target “long tail” keyword phrases.Searching for a single keyword on the Internet will produce millions of un-targeted webpages in your search results.Focusing on a specific keyword phrase rather than a single keyword will produce fewer results but they will be much more specific and likely to attract visitors that will purchase your product or service.
If your page is about “saltwater fishing for Tiger Sharks”, that is the keyword phrase you should focus on to get targeted traffic.
- Quality authority site back links will help your ranking enormously.Submit your website to quality site directories such as DMOZ, Aviva, Yahoo, Best of The Web, Business.com, etc. to start attracting back links and begin improving your position in the search engines.
- Blog commenting is another way to get quick links back to your website.When commenting, be sure that you post only to relevant blogs and to include a link back to your site using one of your main keywords or keyword phrases as your link text.Commenting to .edu domain blogs dramatically increases “link juice”.
- Make sure to include the META Keyword tag in the HEAD section of the HTML source code of your website.Keep your list of keywords or keyword phrases to less than ten, so as not to dilute their effectiveness.
- Once you get your website to the top of the search engine results page, you can keep it there by consistently adding fresh unique content.Initially, add content on a daily basis until you reach your ranking goal, then you can drop back to adding content every other day or so.Remember, Content Is King and the more content you add on a regular basis, the more people will stay interested and return to your site.
- Keywords that other sites use in their text to link to your site, are called Anchor Text.Anchor text plays an important role in how your site will rank for those keywords, so when building links back to your site, remember to use them.
- Using HEADER tags and placing your most important keywords towards the top of your page is also important to help your ranking.The most important keyword or keyword phrase should be placed using an <H1> header tag toward the top of the page.
The H2 and H3 tags are used for secondary keywords or keyword phrases farther down in the page.
- When building a new website try to get a .com domain name that includes your main keyword or keyword phrase.Dot Com sites with keyword rich domains usually rank higher than websites without them.If the domain you are trying to register is already taken, try inserting dashes (-) between the words in your phrase to see if that domain is available.
- You can help the search engine “spiders” crawl the pages of your website more easily by interlinking your web pages.Linking pages of your website to each other helps the search engine spiders find ALL the pages of your site.Remember to use anchor text when linking pages.
- You can also create a SITEMAP page for your website to help the search engine spiders and your visitors more easily find specific content on your site.Sitemaps are incredibly useful and can be automatically updated when new content is added to your site.
- Another SEO tip to help your ranking is to use relevant alt image tags when you include images with your posts.RELEVANT is the word here.If you set the “alt image tag” to one of the keywords in your content that has nothing to do with the image, such as the design of your website; you could hurt the ranking of that page.
When using the same image or keyword several times, vary the “alt” text a bit to avoid the appearance of being seen as spam.
- Use relevant keywords in the file names of your html files and images.Use numbers or random characters for naming irrelevant images such as those used for your website’s design.
Using these 13 search engine optimization tips will definitely help your ranking with the search engines and drive targeted traffic necessary to earn substantial net salaries to your site.
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